Ballet Beautiful Dvd Download Free [VERIFIED]
Ballet Beautiful Dvd Download Free [VERIFIED]
The first DVD is called Ballet Beautiful Body Blast. In the workout, Mary Helen Bowers guides you through various functional moves and muscle groups. You will need a towel or mat so that you can stay warm and safe when the workout is done. As we have learned from my experience, you may feel a little sore or tight in the morning so you shouldn't exercise the next day without properly stretching.
At the 30 minute mark, Mary Helen Bowers's voice will tell you that you are about to start running. I felt like I was running. When you switch from walking to running, your muscles become extremely tight and your heart rate increases. So its best that you don't stretch before the workout and to stay hydrated. Also, after the workout, its best to stretch and do some yoga or take a bath. After our workout, we ate. The second DVD is called Ballet Beautiful Total Body Workout. In this workout, Mary Helen Bowers has you move through a series of moves to get you a well toned body. Its a total body workout because you will be working with your core muscles as you move. When you are working with different muscle groups, you may find it a bit difficult to remember which muscle group you are supposed to be working on. In this workout, Mary Helen Bowers will guide you through the moves at every 30 minute mark. Even if you have the DVD, you may want to read and skip back to some of the previous moves and instructions to help you remember. Mary Helen also talked about her ballets and offered a dance lesson. Overall, I think the workout was fun. It was a total body workout. It was not easy or time-consuming. 3d9ccd7d82