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Jordan Bennett
Jordan Bennett

Staruml License Key Generator

As a software developer, you often come across different modeling tools like Visual Paradigm, Star UML, etc., for software modeling. Different projects have different requirements. Therefore, you often find yourself switching between different tools. Therefore, purchasing a license might not be a worthy decision for you.

staruml license key generator

However, not buying the license comes at the expense of undesired and unpleasant watermarks all over the designed workflows and models. Therefore, we have come up with Star UML to remove watermark magic for you.

You can remove the StarUML watermark without leaving the interface of the modeling application. Yes, all you' ve to do is purchase the license for the watermark-free version. Once purchased, here is what you need to do.

We' ve discussed how you can start making watermark-free diagrams of StarUML without paying a high license price. MarkGo is a user-friendly, easy, and cheaper option for editing your diagrams and getting rid of the annoying unregistered watermark on StarUML diagrams.

Having in mind that the base package is com.archetype and the name of the root package is rebel, the code generator will place generated sources in the c:/sample-project/src/main/java/com/archetype/contacts directory.

Whenever introducing an association, specify both association name, as well as both association end names, cardinality and navigability. It is important to define all these basic pieces of information, because they may be used by code generator under different circumnstances. For instance, the name of association may be used as a name for joining database table. Names of the association ends are used to create association fields in the related classes. Picture below demonstrates proper naming of classes, their attributes and associations.

DownloadSystem RequirementsLicenseInstallationCreating and Checking ModelsStereotypesControversyAn ExampleTutorial D Code GeneratorLimitationsThis extension is intended for the old version of StarUML - StarUML 5.0The Third Manifesto (TTM) describes the relational data model and tries to avoid the problems that are associated with SQL. The Third Manifesto is presented in the book:Date, C. J., Darwen, H. (2006). Databases, Types, and The Relational Model, 3rd edition. Addison-Wesley.TTM uses generic concepts variable, value, type, and operator to define the relational data model. According to TTM each database is a set of relational variables (relvars). Users of a database perform operations (by using operators) to assign new values (relations) to these variables and to derive new values based on the values of relvars. The profile allows developers to create Type Design Diagrams (TDD) to specify types (data types) that can be used as the types of components of possible representations of scalar types, types of attributes, and types of parameters of operators. The profile allows developers to create Relvar Design Diagrams (RDD) to specify relational variables, integrity constraints that constrain the values of the relational variables, and operators. The diagrams are based on the UML class diagram. In addition, the profile has an associated script that allows developers to check the correctness of TTDs and RDDsin terms of the rules of the relational data model.The profile is created based on the specification in the paper:Eessaar, E. A UML Profile for Developing Databases that Conform to The Third Manifesto. In: Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering: International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 09). Eds. T. Sobh, K. Elleithy. Springer Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-481-9111-6, pp. 69-74 (2010) [SpringerLink]In addition to the profile, there is a code generator that is able to generate statements in Tutorial D database language based on the models that arecreated by using the profile. The results of generating statements have been tested in relational database management system Rel (1.0.0).However, the generated statements can also be used in other database management systems that support Tutorial D language.DownloadVersion 1.0.1 (15 KB) Example model that is created by using the profile and Tutorial D code that is generated basedon the model (10 KB)Back to the beginning

To install the module one has to unpack it and put the folder ttm-profile to the folder of StarUML modules.The folder must contain subfolders.To install the code generator one has to put the folder Tutorial D to the folder of StarUML generator templates.Back to the beginning

In addition to the profile, there is a code generator that is able to generate statements in Tutorial D database language based on the models that arecreated by using the profile. The results of generating statements have been tested in relational database management system Rel (1.0.0).However, the generated statements can also be used in other database management systems that support Tutorial D language.Before starting the generation it is advisable to run the program for checking the model and to improve the model, if necessary. To start the generation of Tutorial D database language statements one has toselect Tools=>StarUML Generator ...Next, one has to activate Tutorial D code template and click on the button Next.Next, one has to determine the folder and click on the button Next. The system will put generated files to the selected folder. The systemgenerates two files - tutorial_d_commands.txt that contains statements for creating database objects (relvars, constraints, etc.) and tutorial_d_drop_commands.txt that contains statements for removing the database objects.To start the generation, one has to click on the button Generate. The result is following. One has to open the previously specified folder to seethe generated files.In this case the file tutorial_d_commands.txt has the following content./*Creation time: Sun Aug 22 13:57:26 2010Generator version: 1.0*//*Scalar types*/TYPE Point POSSREP cartesian X RATIONAL, Y RATIONAL POSSREP polar R RATIONAL, THETA RATIONAL INIT cartesian (R := SQRT(X * X + Y * Y), THETA := ATAN(Y / X)) polar (X := R * COS(THETA), Y := R * SIN(THETA));TYPE AddressType POSSREP address street CHAR, number INTEGER, city CHAR, state CHAR CONSTRAINT number>=0;/*Relational base variables*/VAR Student BASE RELATION id_person INTEGER, reserves RELATION id_computer INTEGER, status CHAR KEY id_person;VAR Person BASE RELATION id_person INTEGER, name CHAR, e_mail CHAR, address AddressType INIT (RELATION TUPLEid_person 1, name 'John', e_mail '', address address("Pikk", 1, "Tallinn","Estonia")) KEY id_person KEY e_mail;VAR Teacher BASE RELATION id_person INTEGER, reserves RELATION id_c_room INTEGER, building CHAR, campus CHAR, telephone TUPLE telephone1 CHAR, telephone2 CHAR KEY id_person;/*Virtual relational variables*/VAR Person_student VIRTUAL (Person JOIN Student) KEY id_person KEY e_mail;VAR Person_teacher VIRTUAL (Person JOIN Teacher) KEY id_person KEY e_mail;/*Foreign key constraints*/CONSTRAINT fk_student_person IS_EMPTY (Student id_person NOT MATCHING Person id_person);CONSTRAINT fk_teacher_person IS_EMPTY (Teacher id_person NOT MATCHING Person id_person);/*Other relvar and database constraints*/CONSTRAINT Student_at_most_100_reserves IS_EMPTY(SUMMARIZE Student UNGROUP (reserves) BYid_person ADD (Count() AS card) WHERE NOT (card 350c69d7ab


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